Imminent: The A’s are attempting to manufacture leverage in their negotiation to stay at the Coliseum

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The Oakland A’s are employing a strategy to enhance their bargaining power in discussions to extend their stay at the Coliseum. With their lease set to expire and their proposed ballpark in Las Vegas not ready until 2028, they face three seasons of homelessness from 2025 to 2027.

Recent developments include meetings with local officials to discuss a potential lease extension and reports suggesting the possibility of Oakland receiving an expansion franchise in exchange for accommodating the A’s for three seasons.


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Sacramento is purportedly the frontrunner to host the team during this interim period, although reasons for this preference remain undisclosed. This maneuver is clearly a negotiation tactic, as evidenced by the calculated leaks and discussions about alternative locations. However, the city and its residents are indifferent or even prefer the A’s to find another temporary home, unless it involves securing an expansion team.

Financially, Oakland stands to gain more without the A’s, as indicated by statements from city officials regarding revenue generated from other events at the Coliseum. Despite attempts by the A’s to exert leverage, their strained relationship with the city and community diminishes their bargaining power. Ultimately, the decision on the A’s temporary location is expected soon.

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