BREAKING NEWS: Louisiana governor threatens LSU scholarships over missed national anthem

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Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry has taken a firm stance against the LSU women’s basketball team following their absence during the national anthem before Monday night’s Elite 8 game against Iowa.

Despite Tigers head coach Kim Mulkey stating that the team was in the locker room preparing for the game, Landry and others expressed dissatisfaction with the optics of the situation and the subsequent social media backlash.

In a tweet posted on Tuesday, Landry called on the Louisiana Board of Regents to consider mandating that student-athletes be present for the pregame anthem, suggesting that failure to comply could result in the loss of scholarships. He emphasized the importance of respect that should be instilled by all collegiate coaches.

The controversy surrounding national anthem protests is not new, dating back to former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s demonstrations in 2016. However, Landry’s reaction appeared to overlook Mulkey’s explanation that the absence was not a protest but rather part of the team’s routine preparation. Additionally, an LSU athletic official noted that both the men’s and women’s teams traditionally remain in the locker room during the anthem.

Furthermore, it was revealed that Iowa players had also missed the national anthem for the same reason, as evidenced by a video shared by users from last year’s national championship game involving both LSU and Iowa teams.

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Landry’s request to the regents seemed to catch state education officials off guard. According to reports, the state’s commissioner of higher education, Kim Hunter Reed, clarified that the regents have no authority over scholarship decisions.

Regardless of one’s stance on the national anthem debate, Gov. Landry’s tweet sparked significant discussion on social media on Tuesday.

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